by MissKim on 18 November 2021 - 402 views - 0 comments
Jockey Set (converted from Genesis) for Genesis 8 Female(s)
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It’s off and racing for all your Genesis 8 characters with this classic set of colorful jockey silks to complement your DAZ Horse 2 Thoroughbred. This six-piece set includes jockey pants, shirt, riding boots, helmet, goggles and whip. The individual pieces are loaded with FBMS and packed with movement morphs to give your jockey all the freedom and versatility needed to win the race. The high quality textures include five colorful sets of jockey silks that are sure to stand out on the race track.
Require: https://gfxok,com/daz-posers/daz-studio/11431-jockey-set.html
Require: https://gfxok,com/daz-posers/daz-studio/11431-jockey-set.html