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by phuongdzu on 16 October 2015 - 1 694 views - 0 comments
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Udemy - Unity Developers: Give Players the Power to Save Their Games - fixed

Udemy - Unity Developers: Give Players the Power to Save Their Games - fixed

Udemy - Unity Developers: Give Players the Power to Save Their Games

Allow players to get back to where they left off by implementing a save system!
Players should only worry about advancing and leveling up in your game, not losing everything if they die.
You?re about to raid the last boss of the game, you get all the gear you need, gather your best items and are in front of the door that will take you where the boss is, what do you do next? Of course, you save!!

Give your players a save point on your game so they have a fluid non-frustrating experience on your game (unless permadeath is your thing), or save things such as: stats, level, scores, leaderboards, etc.

For this tutorial you will need Unity 4.6 or newer, since we?re going to use the new UI system also you will need to have a good understanding of C#, the UI system (at least a basic understanding) and MonoBehaviour in order to follow up and understand this tutorial.

After you know how to integrate services to understand, build and monetize your game, and you know how to animate a character form a spritesheet and move it on the level it?s time to add saving functionality to your game.

Store the in-game information you want about your player:
  • Save information using static variables.
  • Learn pros and cons of using PlayerPrefs to save player info.
  • Implement the auto-save functionality into your games.
What are the requirements?
  • Understanding of scripting in C# inside Unity.
  • Unity 3D installed on your computer.

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