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by phuongdzu on 05 April 2016 - 718 views - 0 comments
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[Plugins] Quixel SUITE 2.1.5 Win64

[Plugins] Quixel SUITE 2.1.5 Win64
Quixel SUITE 2.1.5 Win64

Quixel’s immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

Changelog :

This version has been heavily focused on improving visual quality of 3DO and bug fixes. I would like to thank the community for helping out as always! (This version includes even more fixes since Pre-Release2)
3DO Changes:
- Updated to Linear Rendering (instead of Gamma) for 3DO
- Fixed a bug in Standard shader GGX specular term
- More proper environment reflection in PBR shader for very rough surfaces
- Fixed all non-PBR shaders to not have gaps in edges
- Fixed bug where 3DO could show a low-res preview for NDO normals
- Added option to pivot around mesh centers for Rotation/Zoom controls instead of (0,0,0). This is a toggle-able option in the 3DO settings
- Fixed Import tab bugs
- Fixed bug where GGX rendering would not be started by default when required.
- Fixed bug where Emission was set to 0.5 instead of 1
- Improved Zooming/Panning for non-zero positioned meshes
- Fixed bug where Post-processing would turn off when clicking on title bar or moving around 3DO's window (Now it only turns off on resizing as requested)
- Fixed bug where File browsers were not remembering last used paths
- Improved AO rendering in PBR shader
- Import tab: Fixed AO import/slider not working
- Import tab: Fixed checkboxes not syncing correctly when reloading a saved project
- Import tab: Fixed Height channel getting nullified when reloading a saved project with height slider adjusted
- Import tab: Fixed importer stops working after a few imports
- Import tab: Fixed cross button not working
SUITE Changes:
- Exporter: Fixes all known issues with Unity Export Profiles especially with PNGs.
- Exporter: Fixed bug where AO would fail to export due to trying to save alpha channel as transparency with PNG
- Exporter: Fixed bug where AO would not be resampled using the exporter settings
- Exporter: Fixed bug where function ConvertAlphaToTransparency would fail certain exports
- Fixed bug where ID Presets were not applied to meshes with multiple mesh groups
- Updated ID Preset selection to be unique per mesh group for greater flexibility
- Fixed bug where selecting a file with no extension would show connection break message (wrongly). Now it gives a prompt to retry.
- Fixed bug where using auto-load maps wouldn't work correctly if map names contained underscores "_"
- Fixed bugs where sometimes active document width/height would be returned wrong in scripts. This potentially solves lots of hidden bugs where importing documents or creating projects would fail / give wrong results

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