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by phuongdzu on 22 April 2016 - 833 views - 0 comments
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[Plugins] Unity Pro 5.3.4 p4 Win64

[Plugins] Unity Pro 5.3.4 p4 Win64
Unity Pro 5.3.4 p4 Win64

Unity - a tool for the development of two- and three-dimensional applications and games running under Windows operating systems, OS X. Created with Unity applications run under the operating systems Windows, OS X, Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, Linux, as well as game consoles, the Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. It is possible to create applications to run in the browser using a special plug-in Unity (Unity Web Player), as well as through the implementation of WebGL technology. Previously experimental support for the implementation of projects within the module Adobe Flash Player, but later Unity development team took a difficult decision for the rejection of this.

Applications built using the Unity, support DirectX and OpenGL. Active engine is used as a major developer (Blizzard [4], EA, QuartSoft, Ubisoft [5]), and developers Indie-games (for example, a remake of Pathologic (Pathologic), Kerbal Space Program, Slender:. The Eight Pages, Slender : the Arrival, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Baeklyse Apps:.. Save the Bubble, etc.) due to the availability of a free version, user-friendly interface and ease of operation with the engine.

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