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by cod2war on 11 May 2016 - 692 views - 0 comments
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[Tutorials] cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 Volume 5

[Tutorials] cmiVFX - Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 Volume 5
cmiVFX – Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 Volume 5

Yet, another explosive video release in the sequel Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning Series, this time about Animation. A topic that can simply not have enough instruction. A master animator studies life for ages before he earns the moniker of “Master”. Now becoming a master can simply take less time with On Demand HD streaming from cmiVFX. This video is ready today, and can be had for an affordable introductory price. When it comes to high end visual effect training.

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