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by cod2war on 17 October 2016 - 585 views - 0 comments
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Revit 2017.1 Update Win x64

2017.1 Update

Collaboration for Revit
Improves Cloud Project Upgrade Workflow.
Collaboration v8 for Revit® 2016 and Collaboration v3 for Revit® 2017 includes a simplified Cloud Project Upgrade for Revit 2016 Cloud Projects to Revit 2017 Cloud Projects.
A360 Rebranded to BIM 360 Team.
In order to simplify and consolidate Autodesk cloud offerings, A360 is being rebranded to BIM 360 Team. In Collaboration v8 for Revit® 2016 and Collaboration v3 for Revit® 2017, BIM 360 Team has the same functionality of A360, with the added benefit of increased storage limits per user (increased to 500 GB per user).
Collaboration v8 for Revit® 2016 and Collaboration v3 for Revit® 2017 includes visual changes such as UI elements, text descriptions, and tooltips have been updated to display BIM 360 Team. No BIM 360 Team functional changes are included in this release.
Energy Analysis
Corrects an issue where a new Insight 360 analysis would overwrite the original analysis for the same model.*
Improves stability when closing Revit if an energy simulation was running in the background.*
Export DWG/DXF
Improves performance when exporting to DWG.*
Corrects an issue in which zoomed views could occasionally cause the display of a mirrored selection in the text editor.*
Improves stability of the Material Browser when materials are edited.*
Improves stability of the Paint tool and the Materials Browser.*
Part Elements
Adds the ability to export ODBC elements in Parts category.*
Corrects an issue where elements from a linked file would erroneously disappear on printing.*
Addresses a vulnerability where a specially crafted raster image in a project can trigger unauthorized code execution.
Improves stability when upgrading files which contain some corruption.*
Improves stability when trying to activate a view that no longer exists.*
Improves stability when creating a View Template from a dependent view that contained a plan region.*

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