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by cod2war on 09 November 2016 - 688 views - 0 comments
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Axis Game Factory - GeoVox v20161105 Win x64

Axis Game Factory - GeoVox v20161105 Win x64
Axis Game Factory – GeoVox v20161105 Win x64

GeoVox is the latest application by Axis Game Factory, Inc. GeoVox is a completely new stand-alone Voxel based real-time terrain creation tool. Instantly create lush AAA quality environments from the start; carve, sculpt, and generate scenes like never before! Build, Play & Share.
GeoVox is the latest real time world generation software application created by Axis Game Factory, Inc. GeoVox is a completely new
stand-alone Voxel based real-time terrain creation tool.

GeoVox instantly creates lush AAA quality environments at the start of the application. Designed with intuitive game like controls it allows users to test for level playability as they are creating.

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