by cod2war on 28 November 2016 - 1 472 views - 0 comments
Kitchen Poliform Varenna Twelve (vray + corona)

Kitchen Poliform Varenna Twelve (vray + corona)
max | fbx | 3D models | 128 MB
varenna / cucine / twelve Kitchen Poliform Varenna Twelve equipment and filling, made for corona render and vray. Includes all equipment and decor. Kitchen Twelve was born as a result of the study of advanced design, connecting the minimum horizontal lines with a maximum width of surfaces. The volume is created by the absence of handles and the exceptional variety of finishing materials.
This collection from Varenna with a contemporary kitchen in its full diversity. Maximum freedom of composition provides a unique combination. The initial idea of ??the kitchen as a space for thoughtful reflection of the individuality of the one who lives there is fully reflected in this collection of Varenna. Weight Model: 367 397 373 201 polys verts.