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by cod2war on 21 December 2016 - 668 views - 0 comments
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Gumroad - Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 02

Gumroad - Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 02
Gumroad – Houdini Procedural Lake Houses Volume 2

About the course:

In these tutorial series we will be creating procedural lake houses in Houdini all the way from generating the main silhouette to creating the final shaders and placing setdressing.

Volume 2 – Chapter 2A (3 hours 29 minutes)

In the second Volume, we will be focusing on procedurally placing our modules and we will tackle the body module sets and set dressing. We will define each module location by taking into account the influence other elements have on each other. All the assets are included with the course material.

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