by cod2war on 14 January 2017 - 844 views - 0 comments
Zscene Manager 1.3 for Zbrush

Zscene Manager 1.3 for Zbrush
ZSceneManager’s main features are :
You can hierarchically arrange your SubTools into folders in a separate window.
Based on multi-SubTools selection, you will be able to easily execute actions on multiple SubTools in a single click. (renaming, deleting, change visibility…)
Sculpt, Paint and Pose multiple SubTools simultaneously by using the ‘Merge for Sculpt/Paint‘ and ‘TPoseMesh‘ commands…
Visibility configs allows to quickly switch between different configurations of your Tools.
More generally, ZSceneManager greatly improves and speeds up your workflow when you work on a lot of SubTools.
Follow these:
1) Copy the folder “ZsceneMgrData” and “ZSceneMgr.zsc” into ZPlugs64 Zfolder. By default the location is
“Program files (x86) > Zstartup > ZPlugs64.”
2) Right click on an empty space, new > text document. Name it “zscmgrlic”
3) Make sure it is a txt file.
4) Open Zbrush again and you should see PRO version on the window.