by cod2war on 06 February 2017 - 679 views - 0 comments
DesignToolBox v2.0.0 for 3ds Max 2014 - 2017

DesignToolBox v2.0.0 for 3ds Max 2014 – 2017
max | Plugins | 2.32 MB
Design Toolbox is a collection of tools designed to accelerate and simplify basic modeling tasks of architectural, urban or interior scenes tools: Standard transformations by reference, like the ones usually found in more precise work oriented applications; Fast measurements, speed up positioning of reference coordinates and workplanes. It also includes some other useful tools for quickly apply and manipulate uvw maps, for paneling simple surfaces; plus some others useful time saver tools.
Also included are the Atelier Bump free maxscripts from their github page as a convenience.