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by cod2war on 26 October 2017 - 792 views - 0 comments
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Boris Continuum Complete 11 for Avid Win

Boris Continuum Complete 11 for Avid Win
Boris Continuum Complete 11 for Avid Win

What?s New in Continuum 11 for Avid (Summary of major changes since BCC10):

7 New Effects:
Primatte Studio
VR Blur
VR Flicker Fixer
VR Insert
VR Reorient
VR Sharpen

RLM Based Licensing.

BCC 3D Objects Category ? improved edge quality
BCC Title Studio ? Performance Improvements ? particularly with static titles.
BCC Title Studio ? Expanded preset library.
BCC Title Studio ? Numerous UI enhancements.

Mocha PixelChooser ? Faster rendering and tracking and improved tracking accuracy.
New Presets in Particle Emitter 3D and Particle Array
BCC Motion Blur ? improved optical flow accuracy under Advanced Mode.
Avid UI Improvements ? Simplified control layout.
Avid Alpha Handling ? Simplified and more powerful approach to alpha in Avid, allowing interop with Sapphire filters and even preserving alpha between tracks.
EZ Mode added to 63 more filters
Numerous bug fixes

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