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by cod2war on 14 December 2017 - 1 196 views - 0 comments
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3D Coat v4.8.06 Win x64

3D Coat v4.8.06 Win x64
3D Coat v4.8.06 Win x64

Key Features:
? Possibility to attach Smart Materials to layers! Materials managing becomes even easier.
? Improved Curvature calculation. This is crucial for Smart Materials to be looking even more realistic.
? New Primitives in Retopo room: cylinder, torus, cube, ellipse, spiral, etc. We are getting closer and closer to a low-poly modeling!

? Possibility to change resolution of textures, attached materials will automatically be re-sampled!
? Smart Materials usage history.
? Render scene in Renderman. Yep, you heard it right!
? Proxy Slider. Set your proxy degree with an easy slider movement.

? Baking Scan. Paint baking depth with brush. Now you can define with an ease of a brush stroke how big the depth of scanning will be.
? 4K monitors support. Now UI elements and font size will automatically fit your screen resolution.
? Rotation mode quick switch ? around Y or free rotation. See navigation panel.
Need both modes at hand? Now you have the quick swap.

Other Changes:
? Possibility to assign fixed bump to smart material, independent from pen radius and depth.
? If there are too many folders in materials/stencils etc, they will be represented as dropdown list.
? Correct displacement visualization in PPP approach.
? Correct displacement import, scaling coefficient correctly used.
? Warning about missing cache to avoid loosing cached volumes.
? Snapping with SHIFT ? navigation to 45 degrees instead of 90.
? Pressing CTRL in UV preview window (in UV room) shows selected islands cycled to neighbour UV tiles.
? Possibility to store camera position in a preset.
? Gizmo appears even if one point of the transform cage selected.
? Custom render size restored in render room.
? Square alphas complete support, even older ones will act correctly.
? Possibility to change font size in Preferences->Theme.
? ?File->Import multiple objects? to import multiple objects in diferent ways.
? Checkbox in Undercuts/Bas-relief to limit effect below the plane.
? Import AO with channel picking.
? Select all in Tweak room.
? Copy / Paste / Copy reference / To materials library in RMB menu.
? Find Sun button in parameters of additional lights in Render room.
? ?Replace Depth? may be masked by other layer.
? Fill the entire layer with material dropped to history.
? Support of materials references (instances).
? Retopo via decimation in RMB menu.
? Divide blending corrected.
? Fill tool controls visible.
? Important! Depth blending along stroke.
? Additional options for masking in Angulator tool.
? ?Divide? layer blending for the light compensation.
? Bigger resolution for Model->Alpha, little tapering to avoid jags.
? Possibility to bake light in light baking tool separately for each object in scene.

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