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by cod2war on 13 January 2019 - 779 views - 0 comments
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Skillshare - Retouching VR Images (360 Photos) with Photoshop and After Effects

Skillshare - Retouching VR Images (360 Photos) with Photoshop and After Effects
Skillshare ? Retouching VR Images (360 Photos) with Photoshop and After Effects
Duration 43m Project Files Included MP4

As spherical panoramas become more common, especially on social media platforms, the next logical step is to begin editing and enhancing these images ? just as you do with traditional photography. The challenge is, however, these are not ?flat? images. As images are ?unwrapped? in photo editing tools, we need to use an alternate workflow for editing these types of panoramas.

This course will show you a step-by-step, non-destructive process, for seamlessly masking out your tripod, applying 2-dimensional artwork into the VR space, retouching, adjusting color, and adding special effects to your photo.

The software we?ll be using includes the Adobe Creative Cloud versions of both Photoshop and After Effects.

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