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by cod2war on 03 March 2019 - 781 views - 0 comments
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Udemy - Level Design Master Class Series Intro to Level Design

Udemy - Level Design Master Class Series Intro to Level Design
Udemy ? Level Design Master Class Series Intro to Level Design

Introduction Course to Level Design. The basics of what a level designer is, their role, and what tools they use

What you?ll learn

General understanding of what Level Design is
The Differences between game and Level Design
In Depth look at what Mechanics and Ingredients are
Learn how to cater to different player types


Willingness to understand what a Level designer truly is


Introduction to Level Design

Why this course is special

This course not only covers the basics of what Level Design is. We also look at what tools they use in the industry

In this brief course. We clear up all the misconceptions of what level designers are. We will look ath what their roles are in the industry. How they use mechanics and ingredient when creating their levels for proper balancing and pacing according to Level Design Documents. We also do a deep dive of what types of player audiences exist.

My Guarantee

For every student that joins the course, they will be able to ask questions about their own games and how to go about using color to develop them. I will be available to answer any and all questions for all of my students.

The Course Structure

The course is almost all video. It will take between 2.5 hours to complete. After you finish this course, you will have a stronger understanding of how to design your games with different color palettes. You will understand the benefits of using certain schemes to create the exact emotion or feeling you want to players to have.

The course is structured into 1 main Section.

Section 2: Introduction to Level Design

In this section, as previously stated, we will look at what a level designer is. We look at the differences between game design and level design. We then shift our focus to how level designers use ingredients and mechanics in their levels to create a more persuasive and intuitive game play experience all the while respecting a certain balance and pacing. We will also look the the different types of audiences that are present in the community. Finally we talk about production phases and when a level designer will be present in the process.

Certification of completion when finishing this course

When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction in the course topic.
Who this course is for:

Level Designer
Game Designers
Game Developers

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