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by cod2war on 11 April 2020 - 535 views - 0 comments
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Artstation - Fundamentals Course - A guide for starters in art

Artstation - Fundamentals Course - A guide for starters in art
Artstation ? Fundamentals Course ? A guide for starters in art
Duration 10h Project Files Included MP4

This release is for starters and beginers in art, meaning the content is towards people that want to understand fundamentals. The pack contains videos with theory and applied theory, guidance and practices for you to get a hang on how art works.


1.Shape, Form,Construction and Perspective
2.Sketching, line weight, Hatching, Types of sketching
3.Volumetry & Isometric grids
4.Drawing vs Painting ?Specifics and common points between them
5.Dynamic Sketching
7.Detail curve
8.How to study with line and line-weight
9.How to study with Value
10.Analitical Study-How to become self sufficient learner
11.Brush Economy,color theory & how to practice

PDF with explained progression & timeframe (literally how much time you should spend on each task)

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