by cod2war on 06 July 2020 - 659 views - 0 comments
BassamFellows Mantis Lounge Chair
BassamFellows Mantis Lounge Chair
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CB-250 Mantis Lounge Chair W 27 1/2 D 23 1/2 H 26 3/8 SH 14 7/8 AH 22 1/8 W 69.8 D 59.7cm H 67 cm SH 37.8cm AH 56.2cm MANTIS SIDE & LOUNGE CHAIRS Inspired by the noble praying mantis, the signature stance and powerful limbs of this chair offers a study in contrasts. Strong and elegant, sharp and curved, thick and thin the Mantis is sturdy and solid, yet visually light. Designer Craig Bassam conceived the chair to be a new American classic, an object that pos