by cod2war on 15 August 2020 - 593 views - 0 comments
45 Chair by Finn Juhl
45 Chair by Finn Juhl
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 48.66 MB
45 Chair by Finn Juhl Vray 3.40.01 3ds Max 2011, 3ds Max 2013, the FBX in the set set of 6 chairs with different colors of seat finishes (white, black fabric and leather) and wood (oak, teak and linden) There are 6 armchairs in this set in different decorations of both seating (white, black fabric and leather) and wooden parts (american oak, teak, whitewood) The number of polygons of the chair ? 35143 Polys: 175 440 (29 240 single) Verts: 178 092 (29 682 single)