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by cod2war on 07 December 2021 - 225 views - 0 comments
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FREE Skydome HDR - Hazy Afternoon - 1 Texture

FREE Skydome HDR - Hazy Afternoon - 1 Texture

Item Description

Free Sample for people to use and evaluate the quality of the HDR before buying some of my other HDR's. Enjoy. It is an Equirectangular 32-Bit HDR OpenEXR files of a hazy semi-cloudy afternoon sky, some with high altitude stratus and cumulus clouds at 8k resolutions and a tone-mapped PNG File backplate which can be used if you decide to use a lower resolution or blurry version. The HDR will work in any software which is capable of loading equirectangular HDR's.


HDR 32-Bit EXR - 8k Resolution - 8192 x 4096 LDR PNG - 8k Resolution 8192 x 4096

Included Files

1x OpenEXR HDR-files - 8k full 360/180 equarectangular panorama. 1x PNG-backplate - tone-mapped version in 360/180 equarectangular panoramic view.


Textures 1.0351 MB

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