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by phuongdzu on 09 December 2015 - 819 views - 0 comments
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[Plugins] Revision DE:Noise 3.0.4 for OFX Win/Mac/Linux

[Plugins] Revision DE:Noise 3.0.4 for OFX Win/Mac/Linux

Revision DE:Noise 3.0.4 for OFX Win/Mac/Linux

DE:Noise makes it easy to remove excessive noise in one easy-to-use tool!
DE:Noise handles spurious frame-to-frame defects ranging from fine digital/electronic noise to blotchy spots (e.g. dirt on the film). DE:Noise combines motion estimation techniques with feature-sensitive, edge-preserving spatial filtering methods to reduce the visual impact of various problems such as: noisy video (that can happen with low-light capture), excessive film grain, CG renders affected by ray-tracing sampling artifacts, fingerprints and dust captured during film scan/transfer and printing, snow, drop-outs and many other defects.

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