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by cod2war on 30 January 2016 - 850 views - 0 comments
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[Tutorials] Beauty of Dodge & Burn in Photoshop

[Tutorials]  Beauty of Dodge & Burn in Photoshop

Beauty of Dodge & Burn in Photoshop

Master Dodging and Burning and Learn Non Destructive Advanced Retouching Techniques
In this 4 Hours Course, we will be having deep view into the most important retouching technique, Dodge and Burn.

Dodging and Burning is the term that exist from the traditional Photography. Now, the basic idea behind Dodging and Burning is manipulating the level of the exposure to ''clean'' the skin as well as contour the object to give it more 3D perspective.

Possible You have heard about the Dodge and Burn. The idea behind dodging and burning isn't complicated, and it's widely used in these days photography. However in retouching we are bringing dodging and burning into another level. That was the main reason why this course was made.

Dodging and Burning is only one Non destructive technique used in Retouching. Learning this technique brings your skills to the new level of retouching, and allows you to achieve non destructive results, You can is in Beauty Posters or Magazines.

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